Quick and Easy Fall Makeup


Hi guys! I still can’t get over that it is officially fall now. Does anyone else love fall makeup as much as I do? For some reason I really do prefer the darker lip colors over a bright pink or red. I have found a simple and quick makeup routine for the fall and I wanted to share it with y’all today!


  1. Always ALWAYS start with moisturizer! I also go one step further and do sunscreen and then moisturizer. But, if your moisturizer already has sunscreen in it then you can skip that step

2. Next I prime my eyelids. Any old primer will do

3. I have been loving doing a subtle eye look recently and I think it really plays in to the darker lips for fall! I start with a skin tone shade, add a light brown into my crease, and then finish it off my combining a darker brown and orangey brown into the outer third of my eyes

4. Next up is foundation. I really love this one from Clinique because it is so lightweight but it also covers anything that needs to be covered for the most part

5. My powder from Clinique is also a favorite of mine! It adds another layer of coverage while keeping everything light and matte

6. Can’t forget the bronzer! I tend to use a matte one during the fall and winter for some reason and use one with shimmer in it for the summer. I don’t like my bronzer to be too dark and like more of a subtle touch

7. I can never forget my highlight. I just love how it really brightens up my face. During the summer I love using a bronze highlight but now that fall is settling in, I am transitioning over to a champagne or pinkish highlight

8. A sweep of mascara and a darker lip color finish off the look!

This look is so simple to do and takes me almost no time in the morning…which is good because normally I procrastinate until I have no time to get ready.

What is your go to product for the fall? Let me know in the comments below and I will talk to you soon!

stefanie leigh

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